
Based on this analysis of current TOM website usage, the database of TOM-generated ideas as well as feedback from users the following problems hampering e-participation should be highlighted:


Actual usage of TOM is very low, with the number of daily visitors comparable to a moderately popular Estonian weblog. This can be attributed to a lack of publicity, but also to the small number of positive responses from the government and the inability of the system to present even these. The fact that ideas attract only a few votes and are often authored by dominant and dominating users has resulted in a perception that TOM is not a place for real public discussion and thus has limited its potential impact on relations between governed and governing. Also, the process of responding to TOM-generated ideas that are not congruent with the existing work plans and priorities of government ministries tends to produce negative results and leaves no window of opportunity for continuing the discussion, while further development of the idea would need extensive lobbying skills that would give public officials the possibility of changing the original position graciously.


These problems could be overcome by changes to both the TOM process and its software: by finding ways to widen the discussion, add tools that give better access to and an overview of existing ideas and make the system useful for all potentially involved parties: citizens, politicians, public servants, journalists etc.


Suggestions for changes will be outlined in TID technical specification and TID procedural recommendations, but based on the current analysis of usage data and participant feedback they should definitely include: